
Linus and Marshall

As I have already mentioned about them, I' ve got guitar and amp.
This is not all of sudden and I was often wondering to start to play piano or guitar.
The reason why I've chosen guitar is that I just want to see a new world.
As for piano, I learnt it until when I was elementally school so it is predictable for me.
(of course, I still love piano)
But it comes to guitar, I have no idea how to play which makes me exciting.
What's more, music can bring us smile again.

it's been around a week since the earthquake.
Listening the everyday news about that, feeing helpless with nothingness I could do for the people in Tohoku area and being terrified of radiation, which totally let me down.
But a few days before, I happened to meet him 'Linus'.
When I listened to his sound, I absolutely smiled, was moved then thought " love to play ! "
It'll take some time to play smoothly but I'll practice it little by little.
Hope to play "smells like teen spirit" soon !

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